Week 9 - Personality, Part 2
S.H.A.P.E. - Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life (A sermon series based on the book by Erik Rees)
Week 9 – Personality, Part 2
Text: Mark 12:30
S – Spiritual Gifts
H – Heart
A – Abilities
P – Personality
E – Experiences
Mark 12:30
Heart – talkers
Soul – Feelers
3. Mind – Thinkers
•Psalm 119:97
•Lamentations 3:40
•1 Corinthians 8:1
•2 Timothy 3:7
•Colossians 3:12
•Proverbs 3:7
•James 1:22
I only believe the parts of the Bible I actually do.
4. Strength – Doers
•Psalm 116:16
•Romans 12:1
•Psalm 127:2
•2 Corinthians 5:17
•Philippians 4:13
Next week: Experiences
"That's Who I Praise" by Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, Micah Nichols, Steven Furtick, Zac Lawson, CCLI Song # 7243068
"The Way" by Ben Smith, Daniel Bashta, Pat Barrett, CCLI Song # 7089024
"Great Are You Lord" by David Leonard, Jason Ingram, Leslie Jordan, CCLI # 6460220
"Jesus Paid It All" by Alex Nifong, Elvina M. Hall, John Thomas Grape, CCLI Song # 4689508
"I'm So Blessed" by Jonathan Smith, Logan Cain, Madison Cain, Matthew West, Taylor Cain, CCLI Song # 7167000
***We do not own the rights to the music performed during service today***
CCLI License # 2016883