Liberty & Justice For All

Aug 27, 2023

Guest Speaker – Dr. James Ayers, Lancaster Bible College

Text: Luke 19:1-10

Title: Liberty & Justice For All

A Portrait Of Zacchaeus

1. A Chief Tax Collector - v. 2

2. Rich - v. 2

3. Small of Stature (Character vs. Size) - v. 3

4. Resourceful - v. 4

5. Hospitable - v. 5-6

6. Disrespected - v. 7

7. Generous - v. 8

8. Honest - v. 9

9. Jewish - v. 9

Some Principles From Jesus:

Principle #1 - The ministry model of Jesus was always missional!

Principle #2 - The ministry model of Jesus was indiscriminate!

Principle #3 - Jesus is always full of surprises!

Principle #4 - Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought...

Principle #5 - Authentic righteousness is confirmed by character and actions!

Three Admonitions:

1. Put your reputation at risk to be a friend to sinners… you’ll earn the right to be heard.

2. Deal with your own sin & allow the Holy Spirit to do His job of convicting others of theirs.

3. Share a meal with a person unlike you – maybe you can learn something about them from them.

Next Week – It’s a Terrible Thing to Waste


"Hallelujah Feeling" by Caleb Crino, Jake Henry, Jeff Pardo, John Secker, CCLI Song # 7215271

"Jesus Does" by Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Kyle Briskin, Martin Cash, Scott Cash, CCLI # 7205247

"Holy Spirit" by Bryan Torwalt, Katie Torwalt, CCLI # 6087919

"El Shaddai" by John W. Thompson, Michael Card, CCLI Song # 26856

"Trust In You" by Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren, Paul Mabury, CCLI # 7025522


***We do not own the rights to the music performed during service today***

CCLI License # 2016883