How’s Your Prayer Life?

May 5, 2024    Pastor Matt Gold

A Faith That Works – The Book of James

Title: Week 22 – How’s Your Prayer Life?

Text: James 5:13-18

   •James 5:13-18

4 Awesome Features of Prayer:

   1.Prayer and Comfort 

     •1 Peter 5:7

   2.Prayer and Restoration

     •2 Corinthians 12:9-10

     •Galatians 6:1

   3.Prayer and Fellowship

     •1 John 1:7

   4.Prayer and Power

Next week: Let’s do ministry together!


"The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" by Bryan Fowler, Jacob Sooter, Matt Maher, CCLI Song # 7200544

"Jesus Does" by Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Kyle Briskin, Martin Cash, Scott Cash, CCLI # 7205247

"Goodness Of God" by Ben Fielding, Brian Johnson, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Jenn Johnson, CCLI # 7117726

"Abide" by Aaron Keyes, Aaron Williams, Jake Fauber, CCLI # 7168160

"All The People Said Amen" by Matt Maher, Paul Moak, Trevor Morgan, CCLI # 6518275


***We do not own the rights to the music performed during service today***

CCLI License # 2016883