Cain, Part 1
In The Beginning
Week 22 - Cain, Part 1
Text: Genesis 4:1-16
•Genesis 4:1-16
•Jude 11
•1 John 3:11-12
1.Unbelievers have hopeful beginnings.
2.Unbelievers offer unacceptable worship.
•1 Samuel 16:7
3. Unbelievers hate true worshipers.
Next week: Hosanna!
"I'm So Blessed" by Jonathan Smith, Logan Cain, Madison Cain, Matthew West, Taylor Cain, CCLI Song # 7167000
"No One Higher" by Heath Balltzglier, Seth Condrey, Steve Fee, CCLI Song # 6543666
"Holy Spirit" by Bryan Torwalt, Katie Torwalt, CCLI # 6087919
"Scars" by Ethan Hulse, Jon McConnell, Matthew Armstrong, Matthew Hein, CCLI # 7106244
"I Saw The Light / I'll Fly Away" by Hank Williams Sr. / Albert E. Brumley, CCLI #s 45064 / 26399
***We do not own the rights to the music performed during service today***
CCLI License # 2016883